Te Whao Urutaki Te Whao Urutaki (TwhU) has a proud history within Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School and currently acts as the governance rōpū (group) for whānau within the Māori-medium education pathway that appoints its representatives up to the school board.
Members will be made up of current whānau with tamariki within Te Akā Pūkaea. Current whānau from Te Akā Pūkaea can self-nominate for membership at any time. Prospective members need to present and be endorsed by their respective whānau ropū at the Te Uru Karaka or Te Whānau Awahou regular whānau hui. Existing Te Whao Urutaki members will proactively ensure ongoing succession planning takes place. Te Whao Urutaki will have a minimum of eight members to ensure there is adequate appointment to the Board of Trustees.