Rūnanga Waka-Hourua

Board of Trustees Co-Governance

Board Composition

Our board composition ensures equal parent representation from both Te Aka Pūkāea (Māori-medium) and Te Puāwaitanga (English-medium) language pathways, as well as a seat for a mana whenua representative (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei). The school Tumuaki and elected staff representative complete the board. 


The board meets at least twice a term with meetings held in the school staff room. We strongly encourage kōrero so parents are welcome to attend board hui. To request to do so – or to get in touch with the board on any other matters – please email waka-hourua@newton.school.nz


Margie Tukerangi
Co-chair and Te Aka Pūkāea Parent Representative
Ian Howard
Co-chair and Te Puāwaitanga Parent Representative
Elizabeth Elvy
Te Puāwaitanga Parent Representative
Fa’amanu Starsky Akeripa
Te Puāwaitanga Parent Representative
Moa Haar-Simmonds
Te Aka Pūkāea Parent Representative
Chris Carrington
Te Aka Pūkāea Parent Representative
Manu Pihama
Te Aka Pūkāea Parent Representative
Jeremy Greenbrook-Held
Te Puāwaitanga Parent Representative
Trudi Kareko
Kaiako Nohinohi Year 2 - 3 Rūma Whitu, He Pou Arorangi Ako mō te Aromatawai, te Assessment me ngā Pūrongo, Staff Representative Board of Trustees
Te Āti Awa
Nohinohi o Te Puāwaitanga
Bryan Rehutai
Tumuaki (Principal)
Ngāti Porou

Ngā Miniti o te Rūnanga Waka-Hourua

Board Minutes

BOT Minutes Approved – 9th April 2024

BOT Minutes Approved – 14th May 2024

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