Auckland Transport (AT) is commencing with the upgrade of the Northwestern shared path with works scheduled to start the week beginning 26 October. This upgrade will provide safer and more pleasant journeys for all path users. We sought your feedback on these proposed changes in 2019 and received strong community support for the project. This section of the Northwestern Shared Path is now the busiest cyclist commuter route in Auckland averaging approximately 1,300 cycling trips per day. This section of the path is also very important because it is used by people for a range of purposes including commuting, school trips and trips for recreation.
For this path to be fit for purpose, changes need to be made to offer people walking and cycling dedicated space. We propose to separate cyclists and other higher speed users from pedestrian movements.
Proposed Changes
The changes we plan to undertake along the Kingsland and Eden Terrace section of the shared path include:
The construction of an 850m long cycle path and footpath between Central Road and Haslett Street
The separation of the footpath and new cycle path with low-lying planting, berm and kerbs
The reconfiguring of existing access points onto the new cycle path and footpath to improve visibility
Vegetation removal
- The removal of approximately 17 native trees to allow for sufficient width of the path through narrow and constrained sections and to allow space for new lighting standards.
The removal of shrubs and weed species along the path to allow for improved visibility and the establishment of low native vegetation
Vegetation enhancement
- The planting of 25 native trees along sections of the path to replace the loss of trees and vegetation improving the overall naturalness of the pathway
- New landscaping along the length of the path to improve the attractiveness and amenity of the path
Other changes to improve pedestrian safety and to manage the way people access their properties on Alexander and Bright Streets are:
- To install visual path markings on road surfaces to promote pedestrian access across the driveway at the end of Alexander Street. We will continue to maintain vehicular access to properties in this location
- To reclassify the thoroughfare road between Bright Street and Alexander Street to a pedestrian mall to stop vehicle movements . A pedestrian mall is a legal reclassification of a road to a pedestrian only zone enabling enough space for the footpath and the separated cycle path through a narrow section of the path. The reclassification of the pedestrian mall has now been completed.
- To ensure vehicles can manoeuvre at the end of Bright Street and Alexander Street, we will install no stopping at all times restrictions to help manage the turning space.
Feedback received
We asked for feedback on the project from the public in September 2019 and received 396 submissions. Feedback for the proposal was very supportive with most people requesting the path to be upgraded as soon as possible. To reflect this feedback, AT advised the community that we would proceed with the project design without making changes. Shortly after we advised the community that construction would be underway by late 2020, Covid19 restrictions and budgetary restraints meant that the project was unfortunately, delayed. To see a copy of the feedback report, designs and further detail on the proposed changes go to the website
Construction Methodology
Construction is estimated to begin in mid/late October this year and will be completed by the end of the summer in 2022. We will endeavour to maintain access for people using the path as much as practicable during this time. We understand that construction works can be inconvenient and we ask that you respect any restrictions so that the work can be undertaken quickly and safely. The following methodology has been proposed to minimise disruption and to keep the shared path open during construction. For safety reasons, we may need to encourage users to dismount bikes and walk through this section during its construction. To allow for the works, approximately 17 native trees and a number of shrubs including weed species along the path will be removed. AT has obtained the necessary approvals for the removal of these trees. A copy of the tree consent and plans is available for you to read on the AT project webpage. New tree planting and the re-establishment of native vegetation alongside the shared path areas will commence following construction. A key component of this new planting will be addition of 25 native. trees to replace vegetation loss and to ensure continued screening between the motorway and residential properties.
All new path sections will be constructed to match the existing shared path dimensions and materials where possible and will tie into the existing shared path, west of the Nixon Park entrance.