Monday 15 February
Schools are open for children who need to attend. We will be providing distance learning for those children who will remain at home. Your teacher will contact your family.
We are ready to support children onsite. However, we do need you to notify us that you plan for your children to attend, either by email: or phone: 09 378-6883 (between 8.00am – 3.30pm). For health and safety reasons, do not turn up unannounced.
Teachers will be contacting their students’ whānau with their suggestions for your child’s online learning plan for the rest of this week.
Home Learning TV can be accessed on demand here or via the TVNZ App on a device (mobile phone, smart tv or tablet). Mauri Reo Mauri Ora is also available on demand from Māori TV for primary aged tamariki and here for secondary school rangatahi.