TravelWise Updates

Walking School Bus (WSB)

 width=The Scanlon Avengers, our Walking School Bus, have been great mahi all year and were recently recognised as prize winners in the Winter Wizard promotion. On Friday 30 October, the Winter Wizard himself, as well as Delia from Auckland Transport, walked to school with the Scanlon Avengers and gave out complimentary coffees and hot chocolates.

Way back in March, we had a fantastic turn out for our TravelWise promotion – Walk to School with Matua Riki dressed as your favourite super hero. Things looked all set to kickstart a Bright Street Walking School Bus. Unfortunately, Covid19 put paid to that. Now it’s time to try again and get things ready for 2021. So, lock in the date – Thursday 19 November at 8.10am. Once again, Matua Riki will be at Bright Street waiting in his superhero costume. Come and join the fun. At 9am, Delia from AT will explain how a Walking School Bus works and support whānau to get this off the ground. Refreshments provided.



Upcoming TravelWise promotions:

Road Safety Week 9-15 November

Launch of Bright Street WSB Thursday 19 November

TravelWise Tree 16-20 November

Scooter Skills training Y4-6 Wednesday 2 December

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